Turkey Season with Mimi

Like last turkey season, this one was also a complete fail, but also like last season I made some good memories and of course some great stories. & As always during turkey season I had my huntin buddy/boyfriend by my side during every hunt.

Round 1 of season we heard plenty of gobbles, but where were they? If anyone read my drop tine blog then you will know that I am extremely stubborn when it comes to using my bow vs. gun, so of course I have my bow by my side of opening day. We weren’t having much action where we were that morning so we decided to head over to a different spot, well on the way we heard a gobble, and another, and another, then saw 6 toms in the field. We quickly got to the ground and crawled to a ‘good enough’ hiding spot. The toms were hot on our trail and headed right to us, well guess what? I never got in a good position to use my bow without being seen. So off the 6 of them went.. I was pretty bummed as you could imagine.

So Round 2 rolled around; I ditched the bow and took the gun. We were watching over our decoys, calling in some birds, and we ended up hearing a few gobbles and we saw the same group of turkey’s from round 1! As the toms were heading our way, so were the cows.. We had cows all over the field with our decoys, which didn’t really bother the turkeys but there wouldn’t of been a chance of me getting a clear shot. Well they never got close enough for it to have even been a big deal because they heard a real hen from the other side of the field and they decided she sounded better than our call. So there goes that!

Round 3 out in the woods I was extremely tired.. Tyler was at a tree behind me and we were looking over a open field full of only our decoys, Tyler said my head started falling forward and I kept fighting to stay awake. Then all of a sudden I just fell back to the tree and took a little cat nap that actually turned into me rolling on my stomach to snuggle up with my foam seat, hilarious right? It gets better. After watching me sleep for 20 minutes Tyler decided to go grab a decoy and put it right in front of my face, then he returned to his tree. He grabbed a twig to throw at me but accidentally hit the decoy, making a very loud popping sound that frightfully awoke me, then of course that with the combination of a hen decoy in my face I scurried back to the tree, Tyler couldn’t even breathe he was laughing so hard. Haha, jokes on me!

Round 4; you would think the only thing on my mind would be ‘Big Bird Down’ but oddly enough from the minute I woke up at 4:30am all I could think about was gas station pizza and a big red.. I seriously could not focus on hunting, I just kept thinking “man, I wish I could kill a bird.. So I can get some gas station pizza!” Around 11 lunch time I was so pumped to break from the woods. Tyler wanted to stop at his parents on the way to get pizza to talk to his Dad real quick, well as we were leaving we happened to see a little critter in a tree. Tyler asked me to drive out there for a better look of the little feller, as were cruising through the field, Tyler jumps out of the jeep and starts running towards this tree. He starts shaking the limb just to mess with the critter. That thing jumped in mid air; all legs out; and was going after Tyler, well a huge gust of wind ruined that fellers plans. It was honestly hilarious, what made it even more hilarious was Tyler took off chasing it, as I’m chasing him in the jeep, and the dogs are chasing me. It had to of looked like a cartoon, especially when they both fell in a ditch and you saw the critter fly straight out of the ditch and Tyler scurrying to get away from it. So after all that was over with, we get to the gas station for my pizza! I asked Tyler for some money and guess who lost his wallet… He said it was in his pocket so it has either fell out while chasing the critter or while we were hunting for birds. So I did what any good girlfriend would do.. Dropped him off back at the farm and went home to get my purse! By all this time had passed, I ended up finding the wallet in my jeep, picked him up from the woods, and finally went to get my gas station pizza and big red!

Another year is over and still no bird. And I’m sure by the stories you can understand why haha. Who knows, maybe this turkey hunting stuff isn’t for me, definitely going to try again next year though!

Jun 07, 2014 | Category: Blog, Mimi's Corner, Turkey Hunting | Comments: 2


2 comments on “Turkey Season with Mimi

  1. Cassie Day

    This was so entertaining! I laughed so hard! So wish you would have recorded it! Better luck next season! 🙂

  2. Laura Ziller

    These stories are hysterical! My first season was unsuccessful & the guys I hunt with even managed to get their truck stuck out in the woods, in the middle of nowhere.

    Good luck to you & I hope you get a bird this year!

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