Let me ask you, what do you strive for, what do you work for every season, what drives you? Sometimes the answers to these questions get lost within our selves when you’re spending countless hours scouting, placing cameras, and trying to find where your next kill will be. Hunting is becoming more of a sport for some, it is extremely competitive and I don’t want people to lose sight of what is really important.
Do not give up on what you are working toward, it is ok to shoot the big 10 pointer or the double banded canvasback. It is your trophy, but remember that hunting is more than that. We are a rare breed from God, he gave us the soul to have the will power to provide for ourselves to strive, and not be afraid to kill our prey. We take pride in what we do, and hunting is a life style rather than a trend. Try not to get caught up in competitiveness, you don’t need the newest gadgets, the best scope, and the most expensive gun. You need guts, maturity and patience.
On your next hunt take time to breath, to look around you and see this beautiful country. Hunting is about preserving this earth and wildlife, appreciating it, and being ethical. Hunting isn’t a sport and I want people to understand that, just because your buck is 6 points and mine is 8 doesn’t mean I am better. You are putting meat in your freezer, and being proud of everything you accomplish.
My two favorite quotes read:
“Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.”
“I do not hunt for the joy of killing but for the joy of living, and the inexpressible pleasure of mingling my life however briefly, with that of a wild creature that I respect, admire and value.”
Fred Bear wrote the first quote and John Madson wrote the second, I will never forget those saying I live by that philosophy because it takes a special character to be a hunter like you and I. Be patient, have steady hands, and just breath.
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